
What is an API token and how do I get one?
An API token is a unique string of letters and numbers which is required to access the Crowd Convergence API.  A token is automatically generated wh...
Thu, 8 Oct, 2015 at 8:49 AM
What is an API?
Application Program Interface or API, is essentially a tool box which developers need to build software applications, such as Crowd Convergence Social.  ...
Fri, 2 Oct, 2015 at 1:56 PM
Error Codes & Responses
The Crowd Convergence API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request. Code Text Description 200 OK Success. 401 Una...
Thu, 8 Oct, 2015 at 6:58 PM
Rate Limiting
API endpoints are subject to rate limiting to ensure consistent performance.   Per Widget Rate limits are considered on a per Widget basis. Each W...
Thu, 8 Oct, 2015 at 7:03 PM